No, membership is by invitation only or through an endorsement of one of the existing board members. To preserve the quality and value of the IQ Boardroom, applications are screened.
For privacy concerns we will never share any member information.
We expect you to attend and actively participate in the biannual IQ Boardroom sessions in your city of choice.
We expect members to attend the two IQ Boardroom sessions in their city of choice. Misconduct can make you lose your membership. If you desire to cancel your membership, you can contact us through email or the contact form.
The IQ Boardroom
As a member you’ll meet up with peers from other industries, you can share your experiences, challenges and ideas. Existing members have proven to be of great worth for new members.
Often an expert speaker attends the session for an in-depth lecture on the chosen topic. After that there is room for discussion and interaction, followed by drinks and dinner.
The IQ Boardroom sessions follow the Chatham House Rule (a rule or principle according to which information disclosed during a meeting may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified). All information will be handled confidentially. The minutes of each IQ Boaardroom session will only be shared amongst its members.
Administration and legal
Membership is free of charge. If you wish to receive a formal statement or an invoice please ask the (*)organizing party, ICT Media BV – The Netherlands.
In principle, the sessions are free of charge for attendees. Please see the formal statement below regarding the Policy on Gifts, Entertainment and/or Education, which might be of interest to a corporation’s code of conduct or national tax authorities:
- The IQ Boardroom sessions are free of charge, based on the idea that the value of a session is created by the attendees themselves.
- The monetary value of an IQ Boardroom session equals the actual out-of-pocket costs for the organization(*). These are limited to the costs for food & beverage, calculated at a maximum of EUR 75 per attendee.
- If an attendee wishes to receive a formal statement and/or an invoice, it can be made available by the (*)organizing party ICT Media BV – The Netherlands.